Eat Clean, Be Free!

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Green Read

A Quick Read about Sustainable living.

Practical, Simple, and Testimonial style of writing.
The author also gives encouragement, even in the small details of our efforts.

Two quotes I really like so far in the beginning chapter:

"We live at a unique time in human history. Never before have we had so much freedom to make positive choices about our lives. We can choose where we live, what we eat, what we buy and even what we think and believe. More than any time in history, we have the luxury of thinking through the downstream implications of our actions and changing our behaviors based on our values. This consciousness of cause and effect between our lifestyles-even our diets- and the plant's health is the driving force behind the sustainability movement. " (page 22)


"We're not marching into the streets armed and angry. Instead, we are living our lives differently: quietly taking our trash to recycling centers, buying organic produce, paying a little extra for fair-trade coffee, driving more fuel-efficient cars, such as hybrids, and refusing to buy overpackaged goods." (page 25)

I end with this quote from page 26, "By starting with practical actions we are bringing a new consciousness to our way of living; this revolution is spreading swiftly."

What are your thoughts?


The Green Kind

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