Eat Clean, Be Free!

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Monday Night Market

Audubon Park Community Market meets every Monday from 6- 10 p.m. 1842 E Winter Park Rd. The market creates a place where people can come together to share a meal, see a show, do the weeks grocery shopping, peruse the local arts, and most importantly, get to know each other.

Click picture for direct connect to website.

Be Healthy, Stay Healthy!

The Green Kind


The Newbie Novelist said...

I have a shout out to the Winter Park Honey Man! I am not sure if he is at the Monday Night Market, but he is at the Saturday Winter Park Farmer's Market and he is THE MAN for local honey!

I have allergies. CHRONIC allergies that can get so bad the pain is indistinguishable from my migraines. Recently I have discovered that it is all of the steroids and over the counter allergy medicines that have been causing my body to "hold on" to my weight when I have tried weight watchers and other ways to lose it. (Among other awful things.) And I have been using my netti pot and doing other holistic things, the allergies just weren't going away- and the doctors were saying "More medicine!"

So. . . my chiropractor (Dr. Sabel He's Awesome!) said I needed to get LOCAL HONEY! (I had heard this, but never tried it) and told me to scoot on over to see the Winter Park honey man. Well, when I did I was BLOWN AWAY! This man has a PATENTED ALLERGY FORMULA for his honey! It's called SUMMER FIESTA, and it is RAW, UNFILTERED, ORGANIC honey from over 200 HIVES around Central Florida. This way you are exposed to all the pollen and allergens from JUST ABOUT EVERYWHERE! And it TASTES AMAZING! He told me to take a teaspoon today, and then a TBS everyday thereafter. Spread it on toast, or just suck it right off the spoon.

I talked to the honey man for about 20 min. This man knows his stuff. He even opens his jars of honey and feeds his hives THEIR OWN HONEY in the winter when they aren't producing pollen, unlike other bee keepers who feed their hives sugar water or corn syrup. He said that other people scoff at him, saying he is cutting into his profits and wasting money, but he said, "It comes out in the honey- what goes in the bees- comes out in the honey. And we make good honey. It's pure, it's raw and unfiltered and we take care of our bees and treat them with dignity." I LIKE THIS MAN!

It's been a week, and my allergies are IMPROVING! (Now, I have also been on a huge steroid and antibiotic regimen for a nasty wasp sting that almost landed me in the hospital- but that is another story UGH)

I am using my netti pot (with drops of colloidal silver, per directions from the Whole Foods lady) I am taking my honey, I see a chiro, and I am OFF Flonase and ZyrtecD and Sudafed and benadryl and anything else. AND... I have LOST weight on WW! Woo hoo! (I looked on Zyrtec's website and sure enough way down at the bottom one of the "rare" side effects is weight gain. I am that bizarre .001%)

SO: Bottom line ALLERGIES? WINTERPARK HONEY MAN! SATURDAY FARMER'S MARKET. SUMMER FIESTA. (it has a red cap) (and ask him for some recipes while you're at it!)

The Newbie Novelist said...
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The Newbie Novelist said...
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The Newbie Novelist said...
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The Newbie Novelist said...
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The Newbie Novelist said...

okay steph- I am sorry that my comments are so bizarre! At first it said that it was too long- so I kept trying to post them, and then I tried to break it up. And now I have made a mess of your comment section. Please go back and make it look pretty again, because your blog is so helpful, and I want people to know about the honey man!